============================== README.TXT ================================

      * Welcome to Walnut Creek CDROM Clip Art Image Library *

This CDROM contains hundreds of clip art images of everything from
abc's to weddings.  The pictures are in TIF format, ready for use in
most image editors, word processors and desktop publishing programs.

This CDROM contains images in TIF, and EPS format. The bulk of these
images have been culled from public domain sources or are shareware
collections. The Shareware collections include the authors
documentation files in the same directory as the images.

IMAGE TYPES & color: Many of the images on this disk are in color.
For the convenience of DTP users, we have also supplied mono
grey-scale versions of them. The images which have color versions
available have filenames beginning "C". The color versions of the
files will be found in the next directory down from the main
directory. For example the first directory on the disk:

ABC ------Contains all mono images
   ABCCOL Contains all color images

Important Files and Directories

readme.txt       This file.
view.exe         MS-DOS Shell Program to view files and descriptions.
setup.exe        Windows: File browser installation program
setup_a.exe      Windows: Electronic catalog installation program
00global.txt     Global index file

docs\            Documentation, catalogs, etc.
images\          The clipart images
utils\           Decompression utilities, viewers, etc.

_BBS\            BBS support files

Macintosh users:

The files and applications on this cdrom are sorted by category, ie. the 
TIF images are in the 'images' folder. To access the files or applications
just double-click on the item you are interested in.  Note: some folders 
include a readme document.  We advise reading the readme document before 
opening any files or applications.

0__CATXX.TIF contains thumbnail previews of the images in the particular

Note: The XX in 0__CATXX.TIF represents the 00_CATXX.TIF index.

PC/DOS:  (Quick Start)

Change to your CDROM drive and type "view" (without quotes).

		C:\> D: 
		D:\> view

MSDOS and MS Windows users:

To make browsing the disc easier, we have included the VIEW program
for MSDOS and Windows in the root directory of the CDROM.  This
program allows you to page through the index files, browse through
the images on the CDROM, view the documentation and uncompress the
program(s) you want onto your hard disk.  

In order to start up the VIEW program, do one of the following:

For MSDOS: just type in VIEW to start to view this document.  For
Windows: From the Program Manager, choose the RUN option under the
FILE menu, then enter "D: VIEW" at the run option bar.  (Substitute
your CDROM drive letter for "D" if it is different.)  

Image viewing

You can view graphics images through the view program.  You will find
graphics catalog files in each directory on this CDROM.  These
catalog files contain thumbnail sketches of each of the image files
and have filenames in the format 0__CATnn.PCX.

Advanced image viewing using Powerview (the default image viewer.)

For an amazing "psychidelic" effect when viewing pictures under MSDOS:

   1) Be sure the disc is using its default viewer (Powerview).  If it
      isn't, use the INSTALL.EXE program to switch to Powerview.

   2) Start up the VIEW program.

   3) Choose a directory that contains images.

   4) Choose an image.

   5) When the image is on your screen, press the "A" key.

Try some of the following keys:

G ...................... Color-kill on/off (or greyscale)
I ...................... Inversion on/off
A ...................... Cycle palette on/off (press ESC, a mouse  button,  or
                         "A" to stop cycling)
C ...................... Component swap  (cycles  through  all combinations of
                         the RGB components: RGB, RBG, BGR, etc.)
Ctrl+C ................. Component swap reset
"1", Shift+"1" ......... Red Component -
"2", Shift+"2" ......... Red Component +
Ctrl+"1", Ctrl+"2" ..... Red Component Reset
"3", Shift+"3" ......... Green Component -
"4", Shift+"4" ......... Green Component +
Ctrl+"3", Ctrl+"4" ..... Green Component Reset
"5", Shift+"5".......... Blue Component -
"6", Shift+"6" ......... Blue Component +
Ctrl+"6", Ctrl+"7"...... Blue Component Reset
F7, Shift+F7 ........... Brightness -
F8, Shift+F8 ........... Brightness +
Ctrl+F7, Ctrl+F8 ....... Brightness Reset
F9, Shift+F9 ........... Contrast -
F10, Shift+F10 ......... Contrast +
Ctrl+F9, Ctrl+F10 ...... Contrast Reset
F11, Shift+F11 ......... Color Saturation -
F12, Shift+F12 ......... Color Saturation +
Ctrl+F11, Ctrl+F12 ..... Color Saturation Reset
W, Shift+W ............. Hue Rotate +
S, Shift+S ............. Hue Rotate -
Ctrl+W, Ctrl+S ......... Hue Reset
E, Shift+E ............. Linear Brightness +
D, Shift+D ............. Linear Brightness -
Ctrl+E, Ctrl+D ......... Linear Brightness Reset
O, Shift+O ............. Gamma +
L, Shift+L ............. Gamma -
Ctrl+O, Ctrl+L ......... Gamma Reset
R ...................... Toggle between original settings and new settings
Ctrl+R ................. Resets all settings, does not toggle


For your convenience we have included a collection of excellent
shareware graphics utility programs in the GRAPHUTIL directory. You
will find programs here to edit, convert, process and display image
files. If you find any of these programs useful please register with
the author.

Important notice for UK Users

The programs on this CDROM are covered individually by any copyright
restrictions that may been imposed by their individual authors. 

Disk libraries and vendors should check these before including any
individual item from this CDROM in their libraries or disk collection.

Disk libraries or vendors wishing to use our cataloging system or program
descriptions or any part thereof for any purpose should contact us BEFORE
doing so.

BBS operators in the UK or Eire who wish to make this disc available for
download must first obtain written permission from:- 

PDSL, Winscombe House, Beacon Road, Crowborough, Sussex TN6 1UL Tel 0892
663298, Fax 0892 667473


This disk contains many shareware programs and images. Shareware can
be considered to be a sort of try before you buy system where you are
expected to pay the program author a registration fee if you find the
program or image useful.  You will find details of registration
included in the document/text files provided with each program.


Walnut Creek CDROM makes no warranty about any file on this CDROM,
including any written by Walnut Creek.  You, not Walnut Creek CDROM,
assume all risk of using any of the files on this CDROM.  We reserve
the right to limit any effort on our part to rectify problems with
any file on this CDROM.

We cannot accept any responsibility or liability in the event that
using the software on this disc causes you grief, malfunction, data
loss or thinning of the hair.  As with any new software, make sure
that you back up your system regularly so that you can recover from
unforeseen crashes.

Although we have made every attempt to examine every program on this
disc, some non-shareware or public domain programs may have slipped
by.  If you find such a program on this disc, please notify us
immediately so we can rectify the situation.  Thanks.

This CDROM comes with a full money back guarantee.  If you are
dissatisfied for any reason, you can return it for a full refund.


Walnut Creek CDROM is an approved vendor and associate member of the
Association of Shareware Professionals (ASP).  ASP wants to make sure
that the shareware principle works for you.  If you are unable to
resolve a shareware-related problem with an ASP member by contacting
the member directly, ASP may be able to help.  The ASP Ombudsman can
help you resolve a dispute or problem with an ASP member, but does
not provide technical support for members' products.  Please write to
the ASP Ombudsman at 545 Grover Road, Muskegon, MI 49442 or send a
CompuServe message via CompuServe Mail to ASP Ombudsman 70007,3536.


All trademarks belong to their respective trademark holders.
Third-Party applications/software/information are copyrighted by
their respective owners.


This CDROM copyright (c) 1995 Walnut Creek CDROM.  All rights reserved.

The cataloging system and files and some of the images on
this disk are copyright Walnut Creek CDROM and PDSL. The purchaser of
this CDROM is granted a royalty free license to use these images for his
own personal use.  However, including them in other image collections
on CDROM, floppy disk is forbidden as they are NOT public domain or
shareware.  We also claim anthology copyright for the disc as a whole
and for certain program compilations included.


Public Domain & Shareware Library
Winscombe House,
Beacon Road. Crowborough,
Sussex, TN6 1UL
United Kingdom
+44 892 663298
+44 892 667473 (fax)
BBS +44 892 661149


This CDROM is unconditionally guaranteed.  If you are dissatisfied
for any reason, simply return it with a short note and your contact
information for a full refund.

        Walnut Creek CDROM
        Suite 260
        1547 Palos Verdes Mall
        Walnut Creek CA  94596

         1 800 786-9907 (Toll Free Sales) 
         1 800 731-7177 (Toll Free Tech Support)
        +1 510 674-0783 (Sales) 
        +1 510 603-1234 (Tech Support)
        +1 510 674-0821 FAX
        Email: orders@cdrom.com (Orders)
        Email: info@cdrom.com (Information)
        Email: support@cdrom.com (Tech Support)
        WWW:   http://www.cdrom.com/
        FTP:   ftp.cdrom.com

=============================== README.TXT ==================================