hardware.txt     Hardware Information
relnotes.txt     Release Notes
install.txt      Installation Notes
readme1.txt      Readme file from the CDROM, disc 1
file1.txt        Listing of all of the files on the CDROM, disc 1
file2.txt        Listing of all of the files on the CDROM, disc 2
dir1.txt         Listing of all of the directories on the CDROM, disc 1
dir2.txt         Listing of all of the directories on the CDROM, disc 2
ls1.txt          Output of ls -alR, disc 1
ls2.txt          Output of ls -alR, disc 2
index1.txt       Root level index file, disc 1
du1.txt          Output of `du`, disc 1
du2.txt          Output of `du`, disc 2